Patient Forms - The MedSpa Raleigh

Patient Forms

the medspa forms

Patient Forms
Please be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to complete all necessary paperwork.
The MedSpa Raleigh - Resurfx

The following forms are available to you for your convenience (please note the items with * are needed for initial consultation):

Clear + Brilliant™ Consent

Laser Hair Removal

Media Disclosure Authorization

YAG and IPL Consent

ResurFX Consent

ThermiSmooth Treatment Consent

Tripollar Consent

Voluderm Consent

Prior to your appointment, you may download the New Patient/Info Consent form and email the completed document to .

In order to provide our patients with the best medical care and most appropriate treatment plan, we require all of our patients to complete a new health history form on an annual basis.

Please Note: These files are in PDF format.

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